Table of Contents

1. Changelog (from 03/2019)
2. Introduction
3. Authentication
4. Types of Query
5. List of Possible Parameters
6. The Travel Offer Search in Detail
7. The Travel Offer Display in Detail
8. The List Display in Detail

1. Changelog (from 03/2019)

  • 2019-04-01: Changed authentication to httpd basic

  • 2019-03-25: textlinks via https (

  • 2019-03-11: the value of the search parameters country name (ln), destination name (zn), city name (sn) must now be at least 3 characters long

  • 2019-03-06: new optional parameter "ocexact" to force an offer search via exact booking code search (without partial word search)

  • 2019-03-01: removal of image clips (show-parameter "ic", "ics")

2. Introduction

The GIATA XML gateway facilitates quick and easy searches within the GIATA catalogue and Realtime data. With what is often just a short URL you can take full advantage of the broad spectrum of data GIATA has to offer. We supply the raw data that you can individually integrate into your own travel site.

Texts, images, detailed information about the travel offer, tour operator information, basic information about the surrounding area and lists of other important information can all be delivered.

3. Authentication

Access to the resources of this web service is password-protected. The username for authentication is the "XML User ID" specified in the activation mail.

You set the password yourself via the "Set link to password" in the activation mail.


Code example 1 for authentication via shell/curl:

curl --user "your-uid":"your-password" ',khid,vc&sc=search&gid=3'


Code example 2 for authentication via php:

  $username = "your-uid";
  $password = "your-password";
  $search   = "your-search-parameter";  // sc=search&show=hn,khid,vc,oc,gid&oc=ABC&vc=DEF12345&gid=123456
  $remote_url = '' . $search;
  $opts = array('http'=>array('method'=>"GET",
                'header' => "Authorization: Basic ". base64_encode("$username:$password")));

  $context = stream_context_create($opts);
  $file = file_get_contents($remote_url, false, $context);

4. Types of Query

The gateway is separated into three parts, to allow for easy and efficient queries.

A detailed description of these parts follows:

The Travel Offer Search:

This delivers a list of travel offers, filtered according to search parameters such as travel offer name, destination and operator. This list can be spread over several pages.

The Travel Offer Display:

This supplies information for a specific travel offer, searched for using an operator code (e.g. NEC, FTI), a booking code and/or GIATA codes (named in the following GIATAID). This is also the quickest of all the search options and is optimised for the display of a single travel offer. In addition, this search option allows you to search for several travel offers at once. We advise that any adaptation or use of the GIATAID (GIATA code) for the purpose of optimising search machine rankings is strictly prohibited.

The List Display:

This option supplies completed lists in an ideal form for the XML display, in order to offer a happy medium between XML validation, readability and speed. Here you receive lists of the available operators, countries, target area, locations and catalogues.

Each of the scans requires entry of a username and password, as well as the selection of a preferred search method.

An schematic example of a search for a GIATA ID and touroperator code (username and password here nor in the rest of the document are not valid neither):

5. List of Possible Parameters

Here is a list of the possible parameters that make up the GIATA XML gateway. Please note that not every parameter is always necessary, and not every combination is successful.

5.1. General Parameters

scYeshotel Type of search, options are: hotel, search, list

5.2. Travel Offer Search

showYestxt,pic320,sn Indicates which information about the travel offer(s) found should be displayed. Not required in lists of master data.
ocNoGAMAS Booking code
vcNotoc [toc, nec] Selection of an operator code, such as TOC, NEC, FTI, ADAC.
For queries in Travel Offer Search in Detail a comma-separated list of several operators can also be used.
Also see List of Operators .
vidNo186 Selection of an operator id.
Also see List of Operators .
katidNo2324 ID of the catalogues containing the travel offers to be displayed.
Can also be combined. ID allocated by GIATA, see list=catalog .
Also see List of Catalogues .
hnNoPaloma Travel offer name, or part of the travel offer name
hntNoPaloma Search for the travel offer name, or part of the travel offer name, by text index.
This parameter is similar to the hn parameter, only faster.
In contrast to the hn parameter it has the limitation that it can only search from the beginning of the word.
E.g. Search for travel offer name 'Heuhotel Fischbeck':
Search terms such as ‘Fischbeck’, 'Fisch', 'Heu' etc are found,
while terms such as 'isch', 'beck' are not found.
lnNospanien Country name, or part of the country name (in German).
Also see List of Countries .
lcNotr ISO country code
Also see List of Countries .
znNomallorca Full or partial name of destination (in German).
Also see List of Destinations .
ziNo133 Target area ID/ Destination ID, internal number for a destination, allocated by GIATA.
Also see List of Destinations .
snNoparis City name, or part of the city name (in German).
Also see List of Cities .
siNo132 City ID, internal number for a city, allocated by GIATA
Also see List of Cities .
hkNo3 The minimum category/ standard that the travel offer should meet.
dateNo2008-06-11 Query of travel offer data available during a particular catalogue duration are in the format ‘yyyy-mm-dd’
ikatidNoDERT2AC06 ID of the catalogue at Infox
Also see Infox Catalogue List .
ftsNoHarley Full text search, parameter is the search term.
Several search terms are separated with commas, e.g."fts=Jacuzzi,whirl pool". Several search terms are traced using the AND conjunction.
khidNo1183641 Search for a catalogue hotel ID, an internal GIATA ID for a special travel offer or another deal listed in a catalogue.
langNonl Search for offers in a specific catalogue language.

5.3. Travel Offer Search Additional Parameters

These parameters aren't used for the travel offer seach in first instance, but influence the response format.

spaNo2 Page to be displayed, standard is page 1.
ocexactNo1 Forces offer search via exact booking code search (without partial word search)

5.4. Travel Offer Display

showYestxt,pic320,sn Indicates which information about the travel offer(s) found should be displayed. Not required in lists of master data.
acountNo4 Number of queries, only required in a precise scan for several travel offers.
aNoa[0]['vc']=toc Syntax for sending more than one query simultaneously.
Acount is required, enter gid, oc or vc
(see below) .
ocNoGAMASBooking code
vcNotoc Operator code, such as TOC, NEC, FTI, ADAC
Also see List of Operators .
stNoj,s,w Specifies the catalogue season
dateNo2008-06-11 Query travel offer data available within a particular catalogue period, in the format ‘yyyy-mm-dd’.
khidNo1183641 Search for a catalogue hotel ID, an internal GIATA ID for a special travel offer/ product/ service in a catalogue.
langNo1183641 Search for an offer in a specific catalog language. Mode "sc=hotel" the providercode-parameter "vc=..." is required.

5.5. "show" Parameter Options


GIATA-ID. For the display of the extended GIATA-ID see here.


Name of the travel offer


Hotel category


Name of city

Also see List of Cities .


City ID, Numerical code for the city, allocated by GIATA

Also see List of Cities .


Name of destination

Also see List of Destinations .


Destination idea, numerical code for the destination, allocated by GIATA.

Also see List of Destinations .


Name of country

Also see List of Countries .


Country code, ISO code for the country

Also see List of Countries .


Operator code, such as TOC, NEC, FTI, ADAC, DER, etc.

Also see List of Operators .


Name of operator

Also see List of Operators .


Internal GIATA Operator ID


Booking code. If "gid" is also specified as a show parameter, the extended GIATA-ID is displayed as an attribute, if available.


Name of catalogue


Catalogue ID


Number of catalogue page


Number of price page (PDF undeliverable)


Internal GIATA ID for a special travel offer/ product/ service in a catalogue.


Catalogue season. Possible values are:

S: Summer catalogue

W: Winter catalogue

E: Permanent catalogue


Hotel category/star rating


Results of scan, important for multiple searches of travel offer descriptions. Indicates which search produced which results.

picUHD, picFHD pic800, pic320, pic150, pic074, pic

Images of the travel offer with maximum sizes:

pic074: 74x74 Pixel

pic320: 320x320 Pixel

pic150: 150x150 Pixel

pic800: 800x600 Pixel

picFHD: 1920x1080 Pixel

picUHD: 3840x2160 Pixel

pics: wie pic320, 320x320 Pixel

Explanation of the types of image in results

The additional parameter "picssl=1" force the delivery of the images as https/ssl.

pics800, pics320, pics150, pics074, pics

The same applies as with the pic800, pic320, pic150, pic074 and pics parameters. In cases where no image is provided for the travel offer, however, a replacement image will be supplied for the travel offer. This will be chosen at random and may originate from another operator. The catalogue hotel ID denoting the source of the offer will also be supplied.

GIATA does not assume any responsibility or liability for the replacement pictures. The customer sets these parameters at his or her own risk and assumes full liability for any damages claims that may result from the usage of these parameters. Should one or more operators prohibit the use of these parameters, then the customer should take immediate steps to prevent the usage of these parameters on his or her website.


Hyperlink to the property description


Hyperlink to the property description, including attributes regarding font and language.


Descriptive text about the property as CDATA




Climate chart


Climate data that contains values referring to a city, a destination or a country as indicated by the attribute kind . Temperatures in Celsius.

Also see List of climate data .


Operator’s terms and conditions


PDF catalogue page for the property. (without price information)

Also see PDF Catalogue List .


Infox catalogue ID

Also see Infox Catalogue List .


Season begin for the catalogue, in the format yyyy-mm-dd


Season end for the catalogue, in the format yyyy-mm-dd


Link to catalogue cover in size 70 (70x100), size 200 (200x286) and size 400 (400x572)


Link to catalogue cover in size 70 (70x100)


Link to catalogue cover in size 200 (200x286)


Link to catalogue cover in size 400 (400x572)

For catalogues before 03.08.2012 the catalogue cover for this size might be of lower quality.


Link to the operator logo in the sizes 20, 40, 140 and 288


Link to the operator logo in size 20


Link to the operator logo in size 20 (40x20)


Link to the operator logo in size 140 (140x30)


Link to the operator logo in size 288 (288x61)


Is there a Flip-Cat for the travel offer?

1: yes

0: no


Travel type. Options include:

P: Package holiday

H: Hotel, self-travel

M: Mixed – combined travel types

U: Unknown – travel type unknown

No results: no travel type data available

If available travel type is provided for the very offer.

Otherwise the travel type of the whole catalogue is provided.

In these cases "source" attribute may be supplied.

source="offer": Travel type according to an offer

source="catalog": Travel type according to a catalogue


Travel type for whole catalogue.

Options include:

P: Package holiday

H: Hotel, self-travel

M: Mixed – combined travel types

U: Unknown – travel type unknown


catalogue code ((sometimes also referred to as travel type, e.G. CITY, HOTL)


Longitude and latitude of the property with an attribute "Accuracy" indicating the accuracy.

Options for "Accuracy" are:

1: Address

2: Street

3: District

4: City

Also see List of geo codes .

A special agreement is required for accessing geocodes.

Please contact .



A special agreement is required foraccessing address. Please contact .



A special agreement is required foraccessing factsheets. Please contact.



Link to the free ios travel guide.

Also available for Android

It is recommended to request "ic" together with parameter catalogue hotel ID "khid", thus show=tds,khid,...


Third-party content, Also see

A special agreement is required for accessing address. Please contact


video, independent of tour operator

Also see video list.


tour operator videos

5.6. Possible image types when calling up images

ANExterior View
APExample Room - Appartement
AUExterior View/Without Hotel
BDBathroom Example
BGExample Room - Bungalow
FSports and leisure
FRRBreakfast Room
HBIndoor Pool
ITInternet Café
KConference Room
KOConference Room
LLounge / Lobby
LUAerial Photograph
MFRental Car / Vehicle
MHSSea / Harbour / Ship
MODModel Impression
POutdoor Pool
POPool Area
RKRoom kitchen
RVRoom view
SBBeach bar
SDDeck Of Ship
SEPoint of Interest
SKSkiing Area
SRseminar room
SUExample Room - Suite
SWIndoor Pool
WRoom Example
WBAWater-based activities
WEHotel Standardpicture
WELHealth & Beauty
ZIExample Room

5.7. GIATAIDs that are special or group IDs

For some types of property group IDs are available. All properties of this type can be called up using the group IDs, e.g. the property type "holiday homes".


A direct search for special ids is usually unadvisable owing to the large number of different results. In order to search offers of this kind, a search combination of operator code (vc), booking code (oc) and catalogue validity period (date) is recommended.

5.8. Extended Giata-IDs

The extended GIATAIDs are retrieved with the show parameter combination "oc,gid" and delivered as attribute "GiataID" in the booking code element.,gid&&oc=QD90A2P

<GiataID isSpecialID="true" isActive="true">102783</GiataID>
    <oc seq="1" GiataID="100245463">QD90A2</oc>
    <oc seq="2" GiataID="100245754">QD90A2P</oc>

6. The Travel Offer Search in Detail

The travel offer search facilitates a basic search according to various parameters. The travel offer search is the function of choice when, for example, you wish to display all travel offers in Mallorca, or a list of all travel offers with names containing the words "beach resort", or any other similar search.

Here is a range of examples to clarify this.

6.1. Examples of Travel Offer Search Queries

  1. Search for a travel offer with the word "resort" in the title:,vc,vn,txt,pic&sc=search&hn=resort

    Display Results

  2. Search for travel offers in Mallorca using the destination ID (the ID for Mallorca is 133, see sc=list&list=destination&lc=es):,txt,vn,pic074,ln,sn,zn&sc=search&zi=133

    Display Results

  3. The same search is carried out afresh, this time using the destination name, "mallorca". You will notice that method 2 is faster,txt,vn,pic074,ln,sn,zn&sc=search&zn=mallorca

    Display Results

  4. Display all travel offers in catalogue "20110" (GIATA Online Hotels):,txt,vn,pic074,ln,sn,zn,katid&sc=search&katid=20110

    Display Results

  5. As in 4), but this time all Spanish travel offers in the catalogue:,txt,vn,pic074,ln,sn,zn,katid,kn&sc=search&katid=20110&ln=spanien

    Display Results

  6. All Turkish travel offers with at least a 4-star rating, under the tour operator FTI:,vn,ln,katid,kn,hk&sc=search&vc=fti&lc=tr&hk=4

    Display Results

  7. same again, but this time with just 10 travel offers per page, displaying page 2:,vn,ln,katid,kn,hk&sc=search&vc=fti&lc=tr&hk=4&spa=2&ppa=10

    Display Results

6.2. Examples of Full Text Searches

  1. for properties where the property description contains the word "Harley":,ln,zn,vc,txt&sc=search&fts=harley

    Display Results

  2. Search for properties where the property description contains the words "Harley" and "Sauna":,ln,zn,vc,oc,pic320,txt&sc=search&fts=harley,sauna

    Display Results

  3. Search for properties in Austria, property description contains the word "Streichelzoo" ("petting zoo"):,ln,zn,vc,text&sc=search&fts=streichelzoo&ln=Österreich

    Display Results

  4. Search for properties under the operators FTI or NEC, where the property description contains the word "Harley":,hn,ln,zn,vc,txt&sc=search&fts=harley&vc=fti,nec

    Display Results

This search returns the GIATAID.

You can then use this ID to find travel offers for the same property as listed, for example by alternative operators, even when the same search term does not appear in the description provided by said operators.


Please note, when exploring the example travel offer searches:

The information that is displayed about each travel offer is contingent on the "show" parameter. We have varied the "show" parameter in the examples in order to clarify this.

7. The Travel Offer Display in Detail

The travel offer display is optimised to supply and display information about a single travel offer. Unlike the travel offer search, the travel offer display displays only a single travel offer for each query. There are also far fewer search options than in a travel offer search. The travel offer display is, however, considerably faster and allows for more than one query at the same time.

The scope of the search parameter is much smaller than the range search mode.

The parameter providercode "vc=..." is required.

The system utilises the following search logic, when all three parameters are given:

  1. Operator code + booking code
  2. Operator group + booking code (NEC travel offers may also display texts from Bucher)
  3. Operator code + GIATAID
  4. GIATA as operator + GIATAID

If the parameter is only partially entered, only a partial search may be carried out.

7.1. Request to view a single travel offer

Requests to view a single travel offer are very simple.

  1. Search for the operator "FTI", the booking code "MM059" and the GIATA ID 1795:,vn,ln,katid,kn,hk,pic320&sc=hotel&gid=1795&oc=MM059&vc=fti

    Display Results

  2. Search for GIATA ID 3400 and touroperator TUI:,vn,ln,katid,kn,hk,pic320&amp;sc=hotel&gid=3400&vc=TUID

7.2. Request to view several travel offers at once

A multiple request enables you to call up several travel offers, without having to send several separate requests to our XML gateway.

This considerably reduce the time needed for a query.

The typical use is a list of travel offers with known booking codes and operators. In order to display a preview image, the information for all travel offers (say 10 travel offers) must be requested. This would take a long time to do with single queries, therefore you have the option of sending all 10 at the same time.

Here is a short schematic example with placeholders (gid_A, vc_A, gid_B, vc_B).,hn,vc&acount=2&a[1][gid]=gid_A&a[1][vc]=vc_A&a[2][gid]=gid_B&a[2][vc]=vc_B

The result is as following:

<result found="2">
  <data id="0">
    <Hotelname>Hotelname 1</Hotelname>
    <Veranstaltercode>Veranstalter 1</Veranstaltercode>
  <data id="1">
    <Hotelname>Hotelname 2</Hotelname>
    <Veranstaltercode>Veranstalter 2</Veranstaltercode>

The first parameters (uid, pwd, sc, show) are already known.

New additions are "acount" and the highly complex part around "a".


Display is made somewhat easier if this section is broken down:

acount = 2   concurrent queries
a                    query-array
  [1]                first call (gid_A, vc_A)
    vc  vc_A         Veranstalter vc_A
    gid A            GIATAID gid_A
  [2]                second call (gid_B, vc_B) 
    vc  vc_B         Veranstalter vc_B
    gid B            GIATAID gid_B

Thus "acount" indicates the number of queries, whereas "a" contains the actual queries.


For "acount=5" there must be 5 queries. The number has to start from 1 incrementing up to the value of "acount". The parameter must be "gid", "oc" or "vc". In every query each paramater may only be used once. There should not be be than 10 queries at a time, maximum is 20.

In order to match the queries of a multiple request to the results you can use "apos" as value for the "show" parameter. If "apos" is used the result for each property contains the consecutive number of the query whether it was found or not. Please see the example above.

7.3. Special IDs/ Group IDs

It is not recommended that you search for Special IDs/ Group IDs although this action can be carried out using the parameter "sc=search".

7.4. booking code search

In the first step of the booking code search (oc = string), an exact search for the passed oc string is performed. If the exact search finds an offer, the booking code search is completed. If no results are found, a partial search takes place in step 2 from the beginning of the booking code.

Example: Searched booking code "HRG13010", GIATA existing booking code "HRG13010-0539-TS" as a search result from step 2.

The exact booking code search without a partial word search can be forced with the additional search parameter "ocexact = 1".

If "gid" (GIATA-ID) is used for the show parameters in addition to "oc" (booking code), the extended GIATA IDs will be displayed in the output of the booking code tag as an XML attribute "GiataID".

7.5. Extended GIATA-ID

To retrieve an extended GIATA-ID, the show parameter combination "gid, oc" (GIATA-ID and booking code) must be used. If an extended GIATA-ID exists, it is displayed as an attribute in the booking code tag, for example:

<GiataID isSpecialID="true" isActive="true">38297</GiataID>
<oc seq="1" GiataID="100227723">BRU12090-0009-TF</oc>

7.6. Media data

7.6.1. HD-Bilder

HD image links are retrieved via the show parameters picFHD (Full HD) and picUHD (Ultra HD).

HD images are pictures with a width of 801 or a height of 601 pixels. Full HD images have a maximum resolution of 1920x1080 and Ultra HD images have a maximum of 3840x2160.

HD image links are only delivered if the source image is sufficiently large and has a limited validity. The validity period is currently 14 days after the delivery of the link.

If a Full HD image link is delivered, this is recognisable by the attribute "size=1080", and an Ultra HD image has the attribute "size=2160". For example:,hn,pic150,picFHD,picUHD&khid=9731431

HD image links for a single image change daily, but remain the same within a calendar day. The id attribute, which is constant for image and size, is supplied as an identifier.

The attribute "comparabilityHash", on the other hand, describes the image regardless of its size.

7.6.2. Thirdpartycontent

These are media such as webcams or videos provided by third parties.

At present, the media available consists of webcams and videos. Webcams

A link to an HTML page containing the webcam is delivered

The delivery is geocodes-based, and refers to the GIATA ID of the travel offer. This means that, in order for these contents to be delivered, they must fall within a certain radius in the GIATA ID geo-coordinates.

The default radius is 15,000 metres, the GET parameter for changing the radius is "tpd" and the unit is metres. Furthermore, the "show" parameter "tp" is necessary for the delivery.

Retrieval and output example with 5 km radius:,tp&gid=237964&tpd=5000

      <type id="1">Cam</type>
      <supplier id="1">Feratel</supplier>
      <distance unit="meter">4622</distance>
      <location>Klínovec - Keilberg</location>
        <country>Tschechische Republik</country>
  </item> Videos

The videos are operator-independent and based on the GIATA ID. They are delivered by a link to an HTML page containing the video with a thumbnail link.

Please note: the video and thumbnail links are only valid for 30 days.

Different video links are not sufficient criteria for differing videos, links to the same video can contain different hash values in the video URL.

You need an additional contract for the activation. For more information please contact .

Example of retrieval and output,vd&gid=36157

    <data duration="97">
      <type id="5">Video</type>

Add the GET-parameter "&autoplay=1" to start the video automatically when displayed, e.G.

8. The List Display in Detail

It is not possible to access the GIATA lists of countries, destinations and cities using any of the search methods above. Lists of operators or catalogues are also accessible via the list display method.

Sending a query about the lists is also the easiest of all the options, so here is just a small selection of 5 possible lists and their parameters, plus an example for each.

  1. List of Countries

    Parameters: list=country

    Display Results

    The list can be called with english content using the additional parameter "lang=en". German content is provided alternatively, labeled with the attribute "source=de", if there is no english content available.

  2. List of Destinations

    Parameters: list=destination

    Filtering according to country with lc, e.g. lc=tr. This parameter is compulsory.

    Display Results

    The list can be called with english content using the additional parameter "lang=en". German content is provided alternatively, labeled with the attribute "source=de", if there is no english content available.

  3. List of Cities

    Parameters: list=city

    According to country with lc, e.g. lc=tr, or filtering according to destination with zi, e.g. zi=149. One of the two parameters must be supplied.

    Display Results

    Display Results

    The list can be called with english content using the additional parameter "lang=en". German content is provided alternatively, labeled with the attribute "source=de", if there is no english content available.

  4. List of Operators

    Parameters: list=provider

    Other parameters: No filter possible

    Display Results

  5. List of Catalogues

    Parameters: list=catalog

    This list always requires an additional parameter. Either vc="touroperatorCode" or lang="catalogLanguage".

    Display Results

  6. List of catalogue languages

    Parameter: list=language

  7. PDF Catalogue List

    A list of Giata catalogue IDs amd URLs for the catalogues is issued in PDF format.

    Parameters: list=pdf

  8. List of geo codes

    A list of properties with GIATA-IDs, longitude and latitude with an attribute "Accuracy" indicating the accuracy.

    Parameters: list=geocode

    Parameters: lc=country code (optional)

    Parameters: zi=destination id (optional)

    Parameters: si=city id (optional)

    Parameters: list=geocode[&lc=X][&zi=X][&si=X]

    Options for "Accuracy" are:
    1: Address
    2: Street
    3: Postal code
    4: City

    A special agreement is required for accessing geocodes.
    Please contact .

  9. List of addresses

    Parameters: list=address

    Some of the addresses have not yet been verified by GIATA. These addresses are marked with 'kind="unchecked"'.

    A special agreement is required for accessing addresses.
    Please contact .

  10. List of climate data

    Delivery of climate data as values.

    Climate data that contains values referring to a city, a destination or a country as indicated by the attribute "kind".

    Temperatures in Celsius.

    Parameters: list=climate[&lc=countrycode][&lc=countrycode]

  11. List of videos

    A lift of GIATA IDs and URLs for videos is issued. More Information.

    Parameter: list=video

    Parameter touroperatorcodes "&vc=vc1,vc2...", displays only the videos showing the content of the specified tour operator.[&vc=vc1[,vc2...]]

  12. Infox Catalogue List

    A list of Giata catalogue IDs and Infox catalogue IDs is issued.

    Parameters: list=infox

  13. GIATAIDs that are special or group IDs

    For some types of property group IDs are available. All properties of this type can be called up using the group IDs, e.g. the property type "holiday homes". The group IDs can be called up in the following way:

    Parameters: list=specialid

  14. Giata-ID-list

    A list of Giata-IDs and corresponding hotel-names, city-names, destination-names and country-names.

    Parameter: list=giataid

  15. List of servers used

    In case you must set up a firewall in order to access the web servers involved you can retrieve a respective list.

    It is recommended to update this list daily.

    Parameters: list=firewall

The terms and conditions of GIATA (the Association for the Development and Marketing of Interactive Tourist Applications) apply, and have been accepted by users. They can be found at .

Gesellschaft zur Entwicklung und Vermarktung interaktiver Tourismusanwendungen mbH